Goshute Housing Authority

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What did the Goshute tribe live in?  -- © Goshute Housing Authority

What did the Goshute tribe live in?

The Great Basin Goshute tribe lived in temporary shelters of windbreaks in the summer or flimsy huts covered with rushes or bunches of grass called Brush Shelters. The materials used for this simple construction were sagebrush, willow, branches, leaves, and grass (brush) that were available in their region.

The more permanent winter homes of the Goshute tribe known as Wickiups. These consisted of cone-shaped huts that were built using a frame of willow boughs and covered with branches, reeds and grass. The Goshute house was rounded at the base and at the top of the dome was an open smoke hole. Rocks were piled around the base of the house for added insulation.

Occasionally the domed-shaped wickiups were built over a 2 - 3 foot foundation. Bark and sometimes earth was added to the wickiup covering to keep out the cold.

From Wickiups to Goshute housing today...

Goshute housing history obtained at: